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Happy Patient

Health Challenges

Health Challenges

Auto-Immune challenges are reversible and I’m living proof.
In 2009 I was diagnosed with serious auto-immune conditions for which there was no medical solution. I experienced both physical and emotional pain, fear, feelings of isolation and desperation dealing with these issues.
The path I chose was to learn to trust and listen to my body and intuition, which lead me on a journey of discovery to find my own solutions. There are alternative solutions to help improve and overcome auto-immune conditions, as I have experienced in my life.
Each of us has our own unique story which takes us on a personal journey of understanding and recovery. Through this journey of self-discovery, change of diet and lifestyle, conventional and alternative techniques, I am now healthy. 
Are you ready to make the choice that can positively improve your health and well-being for the long term?

Digestion is the breakdown of food into building blocks that we can use to build the body. 
How we digest and assimilate food is how we digest and assimilate life. How we digest tells us about who we are as individuals and eaters. Our digestive system is often considered as our “emotional brain” as it is exceptionally sensitive to thoughts, emotions, beliefs, stress and relaxation. Our digestive system feels deeply. Digestive challenges aren’t problems at all. Every digestive symptom or complaint is a message, whispering body wisdom and feedback – it is an opportunity to listen and deepen into our journey of
discovering the root cause of the challenge.
Breathing and digestion are two “unconscious” processes that are vital to survival, and are designed to run automatically. Collectively, we tend to take digestions for granted. We abuse it, overwork it and we fail to consistently listen to it. Thus, digestive aids are the #1 sold over the counter medication in the USA. We assault digestion with eating poor quality food, poor meal timing, eating too much, stress, medication, toxic dietary beliefs, lack of knowledge especially around food allergies/sensitivities and poor immunity. It’s time to learn to honour digestion.

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